Pentecost Sunday May 19 2024
19th May 2024
Bible Text: Acts 2:1-14
Preacher: Mark Simon
Series: Stand-alone sermons
19th November 2023
Bible Text: Psalm 145
Preacher: Mark Simon
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Mission In Word, Spirit and Deed
3rd September 2023
Bible Text: Luke 4:14-21, 2 Cor 12:7-10
Preacher: Peter MacPherson
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Pentecost 2023- Full Sermon
28th May 2023
Bible Text: Acts 2:1-21
Preacher: Peter MacPherson
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Pentecost - The Coming of the Holy Spirit
28th May 2023
Bible Text: Acts 2:1-21
Preacher: Mark Simon
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Blessing and Prosperity
12th February 2023
Bible Text: Pslam 128
Preacher: Shannon Hood
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Living For Christ
29th January 2023
Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:2
Preacher: Mike McNamara
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Blessing and Deception
8th January 2023
Bible Text: Genesis 27:1-40
Preacher: Peter MacPherson
Series: Stand-alone sermons
A Time and Season For Everything
1st January 2023
Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 3:1-13
Preacher: Mark Simon
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Born To Set Us An Example
27th November 2022
Bible Text: Philippians 2:1-5
Preacher: Mark Simon
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Leave The 99
13th November 2022
Bible Text: Luke 15:1-7
Preacher: Matt Ooi
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Helping People Become Mature Disciples
6th November 2022
Bible Text: Matthew 28:16-20
Preacher: Mark Simon
Series: Stand-alone sermons
The Forest Underground
31st July 2022
Bible Text: Proverbs 8:27-31, Ephes 2:8-10
Preacher: Tony Rinaudo
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Christian Call to Mission
12th July 2022
Bible Text: Acts 8
Preacher: Liz Bolton
Series: Stand-alone sermons
The Testing of Abraham
1st May 2022
Bible Text: Genesis 22:1-14
Preacher: Rene Pfitzner
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Hope For Ukraine
24th April 2022
Bible Text: Isaiah 40, Matthew 8:23-37
Preacher: Mike McNamara
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Light of The World
25th December 2020 Christmas Day
Bible Text: Matthew 2:1-12
Preacher: Mike McNamara
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Darkness and Light
24th December 2020
Bible Text: Various texts
Preacher: Peter MacPherson
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Devotional Talk on Psalm 103
22nd November 2020
Bible Text: Psalm 103
Preacher: Mark Simon
Series: Stand-alone sermons
How To Be A Child of God
15th November 2020
Bible Text: 1 John 2:28-3:10
Preacher: Lauren Weatherlake
Series: Stand-alone sermons
How To Stay The Course
8th November 2020
Bible Text: 1 John 2:15-27
Preacher: Mike McNamara
Series: Stand-alone sermons
How To Be a Genuine Christian
1st November 2020
Bible Text: 1 John 2:1-14
Preacher: Peter MacPherson
Series: Stand-alone sermons
How To Know God
25th October 2020
Bible Text: 1 John 1:1-10
Preacher: Mark Simon
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Everything's Changed But God is Still In Charge
26h July 2020
Bible Text: James 4:13-15
Preacher: Lauren Weatherlake
Series: Stand-alone sermons
31st May 2020
Bible Text: Acts 2:1-6,12, 42-47
Preachers: Naomi Bird, Ross Curnow
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Note: You can see the sermon video here
How To Be A Spiritual Survivor
19th April 2020
Bible Text: Psalm 40:1-17
Preacher: Mark Simon
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Don't Waste Your Discomfort
5th April 2020
Bible Text: Lamentations 3:19-26
Preacher: Mark Simon
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Faith In A Time of Fear
29th March 2020
Bible Texts: 1 Peter 5:6-11 and John 16:31-33
Preacher: Peter MacPherson
Series: Stand-alone sermons
26th January 2020
Bible Texts: Psalm 133 and John 17:20-23
Preacher: Andrea Hensher
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Who Can You Trust?
8th September 2019
Bible Text: John 14:1-7
Preacher: Andrew Grills
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Transformed Lives
8th September 2019
Bible Text: Acts 2:42-47
Preacher: Mark Simon
Series: Stand-alone sermons
The Power Of The Resurrection 6PM
28 APRIL 2019 6PM service
Bible Text:1 Corinthians 15:50-58
Preacher:Ken Fish at St Alfred's Anglican
Series: Stand-alone sermons
What Are Mere Mortals?
25 NOVEMBER 2018
Bible Text: Psalm 8:1-9
Preacher:Brian Westaway
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Thanksgiving Sunday-Testimonies
18 NOVEMBER 2018
Bible Text: Psalm 95:1-11
Preacher:Brian Westaway
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Fearfully & Wonderfully Made
11 NOVEMBER 2018
Bible Text: Psalm 139:13-24
Preacher:Brian Westaway
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Hemmed In: Nowhere to Hide
04 NOVEMBER 2018
Bible Text: Psalm 139:1-12
Preacher:Brian Westaway
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Sight For The Blind
28 OCTOBER 2018
Bible Text: Mark 10:46-52
Preacher:David Spitteler
Series: Stand-alone sermons
St Luke's Day
21 OCTOBER 2018
Bible Text: 2 Timothy 4:5-17, Luke 10:1-9
Preacher:Rev Peter MacPherson
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Christian Hope
14 OCTOBER 2018
Bible Text: Isaiah 65:17-25: Revelation 21:1-4
Preacher:Rev Des Lowe
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Walking In God's Way
7 OCTOBER 2018
Bible Text: Genesis 18:17-19
Preacher:Rev Andrew Livingstone - CMS
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Alive In Christ
Bible Text: Colossians 3:1-17
Preacher: Andy Little (MAF)
Series: Stand-alone sermons
Bible Text: John 17:20-26
Preacher: Brian Westaway
Series: Stand-alone sermons

About this Series
These sermons are not part of a Sermon Series and stands alone.