How to Get Involved

Firstly, come along and join us in our Sunday morning worship services where we will make you feel most welcome. Stay after the service for morning tea or coffee with our friendly congregation. We would love to meet you!
To find out more about our activities, come to a service, or fill in our Contact Us page and let us know what you are interested in.
We value belonging to a Christian community where we are known, cared for, nurtured in our faith and enjoy authentic friendship. We value having a community where we can use our gifts, serve one another and love one another. We value belonging to Growth Groups where we experience this.
There are opportunities during the week to come along to one of our Growth Groups – a great way to get to know a smaller group of people in a relaxed home setting, whilst studying the Bible together, praying and caring for each other.
St Luke’s has groups and courses that are run by trained leaders and volunteers. Select your preferences to see what groups or courses may interest you.
We host a monthly Men's Breakfast (4th Saturday of the month) at church, when men enjoy a cooked breakfast, then listen to a fascinating invited speaker - topics vary according to the expertise of the speaker.
Our men are also active participants in the Men's Ministry progam at our partner church, St Alfred's in Blackburn North. We enjoy a varied program of social events, seminars, discussion groups and a weekend camp every 2-3 years.
There is a monthly Camera Club and a monthly Book Club.
There is a Women's Ministry shared with St Alfred's
We have an active local Anglicare group which have a wide variety of events throughout the year, enjoying social times whilst raising funds for Anglicare.
We are active participants in Whitehorse Churches Care.
What we achieve on a weekly basis could not be done without the commitment and skill of our volunteers. We see serving as a response to the love, grace and forgiveness that we have experienced through faith in Jesus Christ. Many just serve because they know that the job needs to get done and they want to contribute to their faith community. Most people serve by getting onto a roster.
We encourage our members and regular attenders to serve on at least one roster once a month. Areas of service include welcoming newcomers and visitors, arranging flowers, setting up and serving communion, morning tea/coffee, sound and projector desks, music & worship teams. Most roles require simple on the job training with access to support as you do the role. Most roles have clear job descriptions and ability to swap rostered dates with others as required.
We would welcome your questions about how you might like to get involved in helping the church exercise its ministries and programs week by week.
We value belonging to a Christian community where we are known, cared for, nurtured in our faith and enjoy authentic friendship. We value having a community where we can use our gifts, serve one another and love one another. Like every church, St Luke’s grows as each member uses the gifts God has given them to serve others. Talk to our minister, Mark Simon, about how you feel you may get involved. You may wish to join an existing ministry area, or start something new.